Orange County California Family Law & Divorce Articles

Domestic Violence: Child Custody

People can view your internet history on the computer so please be safe and view sites referring to domestic violence at another location such as a library or at a close friend's. ALWAYS BE SAFE! If you are in an abusive relationship and have a child with your abuser, you can ask the court for help. They…
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What is a Collaborative Divorce?

If both parties are in agreement that they will not take this matter to court a collaborative divorce may be an option. Parties will have various 4-way meetings with their lawyers to reach an agreement between one another. The lawyers representing the parties will not take the matter into court. If an agreement cannot be…
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Elder or Dependent Adult Protective Order

If you are over 65 years of age or are between 18-64 with certain disabilities and are being abuse you can file for an elder or dependent adult protective order. Some forms of abuse may include: -Physical abuse -Neglect -Abandonment -Financial abuse -Mental and emotional abuse
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A Domestic Violence Restraining Order

If you are being physically abused, stalked, threatened or even harassed, you can ask the court for a Domestic Violence Restraining Order if you have a close relationship with the person who is abusing you such as a person you are married to, or if you have dated, separated, divorced, or even if you have…
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Restraining Orders types in California

If you feel you are being threatened, stalked, harassed and/or physically abused you can have the courts order a restraining order to help protect you from the perpetrator. There are often no fees to getting a court ordered restraining order so securing your safety is achievable no matter what your income or status. [caption id="attachment_9694" align="alignleft" width="300"] Restraining…
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What are the Impacts of Divorce on Children?

Dissolution is a legal process and how it will affect the children of the marriage is largely based on how parents interact with each other on a daily basis. In short, each divorce is unique in the same way each family is unique. Parents should consider the ramifications of their actions outside of meetings with…
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Rights of a Conservatee

Though a conservatee may not be capable of taking proper care of themselves or their property and finances, that does not mean they have no rights. They still have a say in decisions that affect their lives and they still must be treated with respect and patient understanding. They have a right to be well looked after, and have…
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How to get a Restraining Order?

Domestic violence is not only physical it can be a threat to harm you or your children. If these elements are present you may qualify for a restraining order. When a restraining order is issued it will prevent the person from contacting you or your children. In order to obtain an immediate restraining order you…
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Duties of a Conservator

What are the Duties of a Conservator? - When a person (a conservatee) becomes unable to care for themselves and/or their property and finances, a judge can decide to put another person or organization (a conservator) in charge of the conservatee's own care and/or property and finances. This arrangement is called a conservatorship. The court will…
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How to Identify Domestic Abuse?

It is vital to know that when it comes to domestic abuse there are no stereotypes or easy ways of identifying which people may be abusive. Those who commit domestic abuse can vary in age, intelligence, height, gender, and economic status. There are different types of abuse either physical or psychological.
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