Orange County California Family Law & Divorce Articles
A de facto parent is a person who is or has been taking care of a child who a judge has ordered a dependent of the juvenile court. You must be meeting his/her needs for such things as food, shelter, and clothing as well as affection and attention. You must be caring the the child…
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Here are a few ways child custody may be granted. There may be physical custody, legal custody, sole custody, and joint custody. This will vary based on the circumstances of a particular case. It is important to know what each type of custody will grant and what options may be necessary if a party would…
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A parent can sign a notarized letter giving you temporary custody of their child without having to go to court. This letter should give you permission to make important decisions about the child's medical care and education. It is suggested that you get a medical release as well in case of any emergencies. This agreement can be…
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There are several method of going about getting child custody. Here are a few methods that parties have the option of utilizing. First, mediation, this means going to a third party who is unbiased and seeking their expertise to come to a decision. Second, if the parents are able they can work out a custody…
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Every county has a local child support agency which is a part of the state's Department of Child Support services. These agencies and the DCSS have been established to help parents and caregivers to provide the best possible environment for your children to be raised in, including providing health insurance and support. When there is…
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If you would like to make a modification of a child support order it may be necessary to show a change in circumstances such as a new job, the loss of a job, or some inability to pay the court ordered payments. As soon as there is a notable change in circumstances it is important…
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When a parent or guardian of a child lives in a different state, or even country, a child support case can be opened in a one of the parent's or guardian's local child support agencies. This will create and exact a child support order or the agency will request help from another state or country…
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When choosing to get a divorce California has a No Fault divorce meaning you do not need to prove that your spouse has wronged you to be eligible for a divorce. What is needed is to decide if you will be retaining an attorney and what issues are pertinent to your specific case. For instance,…
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The amount in child support can be adjusted when your circumstances have altered such as if the amount of time you spend with the child changes. However if the judge who made the order has set the amount of child support lower than the guideline amount, then you can change the amount at any time,…
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In California you are required by law to allow the children to visit with the children unless their is a court order stating otherwise. The court may order that a particular visitation schedule be upheld and both parties must uphold this. If these orders are not followed you run the risk of losing the custody…
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