Orange County California Family Law & Divorce Articles

Parentage or Paternity Cases in Orange County

Parentage cases or paternity cases are held to determine who a child's parents are. There is no question about the parentage of a child when the parents are married at the time of the child's birth because the law assumes the husband is the father. The same goes for domestic partners. After January 1st, 2005…
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What is a Summary Dissolution?

If you would like to minimize fees and paperwork it may be a good idea to look into a summary dissolution. Just note, a summary dissolution will not change the required six-month waiting period before a divorce is finalized. A summary dissolution is a simple way to get divorced in California. Though, not all cases…
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Should a Childs Obesity have an Impact on Child Custody?

It has been the topic of much debate that it could be seen as poor care if a parent allows their child to become obese. This meaning that they do not help the child take control of their excessive food consumption. Furthermore, it was debated in the news that perhaps the state should consider intervening…
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Why would a child need a guardian?

Occasionally,  parents aren't able to give proper care to their children, no matter how much they love them. The child might need to be cared for by a guardian if one or both of the parents: -have a serious physical or mental illness, -are in the military and have to work and stay over seas,…
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Garden Grove Woman Cuts off Husbands Penis

A Garden Grove woman who had a divorce pending on July 11th decided, according to authorities to give her husband a substance to make him sleepy so that she could cut off his penis. According to authorities the woman states, "he deserved it". When filing for a Divorce it may be best to live separately…
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What is “custody and visitation”? | legal custody | physical custody | visitation order

When you separate or divorce from a marriage or domestic partnership where there are children involved, you and your partner will need to decide on who will have custody of your children and how they will be taken cared of  now that your relationship has ended. Visitation rights (sometimes called 'timeshare') will also need to…
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Setting Up a Guardianship in Orange County

When setting up a legal guardianship, there is a lot of time and energy invested in filling out complicated court forms and giving notice to relatives. Often times there are errors that occur along the way. Because of these mistakes, the process take much longer than it needs to be to process your case. Talk…
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Responding to Divorce or Separation Petition in Orange County

If your partner or spouse is asking the courts for a divorce (dissolution) or a legal separation, they are asking the court to end their relationship with you. Either spouse in a marriage or partner in a domestic relationship can ask for this action. In Orange County, California as long as one person in the relationship requests it, the…
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What is Supervised Visitation in Orange County?

The State of California always strives to protect the best interest of children. When the child's parents have custody or visitation issues within the courts, if the matter is an issue of protection and safety, the judge will decide to make it mandatory for a neutral third person to be present during all the parent/child contact. This type of…
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Duties of a Guardian of the Person: Part 3

As a guardian, can the court request me to take on other responsibilities concerning the child? Yes in fact the court requires that you submit a Status Report one every year. You will also be required to participate in meetings with any court investigator or visitors, and you may also be summoned to court occasionally to discuss the progress…
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