Tag Archives: child custody
Orange County California Child Visitation Schedules
Why is Visitation Necessary?
When two unmarried parents share a child in California, they usually have to get a child custody order. Child custody is divided into two categories: legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody determines who is responsible for making important decisions in the child’s life regarding things such as education, religion, mental and physical health, and extracurricular activities.
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When obtaining child custody in California you will need to research the family law code for California. Each state has different laws pertaining to divorce issues. Custody will be determined by a judge in court. The judge will factor in all issues surrounding your case. Finances and living arrangements will be considered. The ages of all children involved in the divorce will be considered. The school the children attend, and proximity of the school to the parents homes may also be a factor when creating a child visitation schedule. Furthermore, if there is any history of abuse the judge may arrange for supervised visitation if he feels the children's safety is in jeopardy.
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When you or your spouse decide to divorce, visitation must be worked out between you and your ex. Child visitation during divorce is a huge concern. If you are unable to work out a temporary visitation schedule while the divorce process is in progress, you may need a temporary visitation schedule to be determined by a judge.…
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The Orange County mediation attorney received a question from a viewer in Los Angeles, California... "Can I change a detail in my mediation agreement?" "Me and my son father agreed in mediation and it was signed as a court order by the judge. As soon as I got my hands on the paper I was…
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If you and your ex cannot reach an amicable agreement regarding the custody of your children it will need to be decided in court. While in court the judge has the responsibility of assigning custody of your children based on what is in their best interest. Determining the best interest for your children will require…
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If you and your ex are arguing or disagreeing regarding child custody there are a few things to keep in mind. By keeping several things in mind you can eliminate the conflict that may arise when discussing the custody of your child. There is bound to be tension due to the ending of your relationship…
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Child Custody is one of the main areas of family law that is disputed during a divorce. This can often be an emotional time for the parties. It is important to keep the child’s best interests at heart. Although the relationship may or may not have ended on the best note, it is important to…
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No-fault divorce is a dissolution of marriage, which does not demand a proving of misconduct by either spouse. California no-fault divorce law allows a family law court to allow a divorce by either spouse, without needing the petitioner to give proof that the respondent has perpetrated a violation of the marital contract. California laws providing…
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The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction And Enforcement Act, also known as the (UCCJEA) served to amend years of inconsistent federal case law on the subject. The act provides laws regarding jurisdiction on child custody cases by providing clearer principles and standards for states to exercise original jurisdiction in child custody cases. Additionally, children can be…
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If you and your partner are getting a divorce, solid advice is to stay off social media sites! Do not tweet about your case or the other parent, Do not Facebook, Do not plaster information on Google plus and do not text because this documentary evidence may be used against you in court by the…
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