Tag Archives: child custody
Thomas Beatie is best known as the first man to get pregnant. He was born a woman but had his breasts removed and is legally a man. Thomas Beatie, a transgender male, kept his female reproductive organs in hopes of being pregnant one day. His first child with wife Nancy was born in 2008. After…
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A divorce can seem confusing at many points of the process. During an extensive divorce, you may hear your attorney talk about obtaining temporary or interim orders. Temporary orders are vital during the divorce process because they lay the ground rules while a divorce is pending. Since divorces often take more than a year, judges…
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The courts decide who a child is best suited to be with, either their father or their mother. In most cases the mother is more than likely to receive custody, but dads that does not mean that you should lose hope. Although it doesn’t happen too often, there are dads who receive full custody of…
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Child custody is determined in divorce proceedings. Custody can range from joint physical custody, joint legal custody, or in some instances sole custody to one of the parties. If you are unable to come to an amicable agreement with the other party you may need to consult with a legal professional. Family and friends may…
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While general common sense and thoughtful review of actions would seem to be enough for general guidelines of what not to do during a child custody dispute, here are a few pointers that serve as definite "don't's in the child custody process. Rule #1 is to do what the judge says. He or she will…
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When a third person reports about the safety of a child, the police/social worker will investigate. The police/social worker will determine if the court should get involved and the neglected child may be taken away. After the child is taken away, the social worker will get to know about you and your child to determine…
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When it comes to child custody orders, divorce parties, often do not understand that each party has equal parental rights to the children produced by the marriage until an order has been issued. So, when filing for a divorce, often attorneys will quickly file an Order to Show Cause, asking the Court to make at least temporary orders…
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In what ways can child custody be determined in divorce? There are essentially five ways in which child custody can be determined during a divorce. 1. Child custody can be agreed upon by the parents on their own. 2. Child custody can be agreed upon with third party settlements. 3. Child custody can be decided…
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Family law attorneys are the ones you will need to speak with if you are going through a divorce, mediation, or legal separation. These are the attorneys that will help you throughout your entire divorce. Issues that the family law attorney will be able to assist you with are child custody, child visitation, spousal support,…
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What is a 730 Evaluation?, you may be asking yourself. In simple terms a 730 Evaluation is a psychological test. The psychological test is administered by a qualified psychologist that will score and interpret the test results. The 730 evaluation will involve numerous interviews as well as psychological analysis. Question and answer sessions are conducted with…
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