Tag Archives: divorce
When choosing to get a divorce California has a No Fault divorce meaning you do not need to prove that your spouse has wronged you to be eligible for a divorce. What is needed is to decide if you will be retaining an attorney and what issues are pertinent to your specific case. For instance,…
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If you would like to minimize fees and paperwork it may be a good idea to look into a summary dissolution. Just note, a summary dissolution will not change the required six-month waiting period before a divorce is finalized. A summary dissolution is a simple way to get divorced in California. Though, not all cases…
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A Garden Grove woman who had a divorce pending on July 11th decided, according to authorities to give her husband a substance to make him sleepy so that she could cut off his penis. According to authorities the woman states, "he deserved it". When filing for a Divorce it may be best to live separately…
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If your partner or spouse is asking the courts for a divorce (dissolution) or a legal separation, they are asking the court to end their relationship with you. Either spouse in a marriage or partner in a domestic relationship can ask for this action. In Orange County, California as long as one person in the relationship requests it, the…
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Community property usually means everything that the spouses or domestic partners own together. This means everything that you bought or got while you were together in marriage or a domestic partnership — including debt — that is not a gift or inheritance. Community property also includes all the earnings that either spouse or partner (or both of you)…
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The property and debts part of a divorce or legal separation is often so complicated and the cost of making a mistake is so high that you should talk to a lawyer before you file your papers, especially if you have anything of value (or if you have significant debt). NOTE! If you signed a prenuptial…
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If you would like a third-party who will remain neutral then mediation may be an option for you. In this process the mediator will listen to both sides of an issue or dispute and will remain impartial. This mediation process is voluntary and due to the voluntary nature of this process the parties can feel…
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In a divorce the parties real and personal property must be divided. If you are filing for a divorce in California they use the community property law to divide assets. The community property law states that all property that the two parties attain jointly will need to be divided evenly. The exception would be if…
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Either spouse in a marriage or partner in a registered domestic partnership can ask the court to end their legal relationship. If you have been served with a petition and summons for dissolution (divorce) or legal separation, your spouse or domestic partner is asking the court to end your relationship. In California, as long as…
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Some people have questioned if Facebook has led to an increase in divorces. In an article a British Legal Firm had noted that approximately one in five divorces were related to Facebook in some way shape or form. On the social network Facebook, a persons private life is broadcasted for all to see. Furthermore, these…
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