Tag Archives: divorce
Why use mediation for divorce disputes in California? This is a question many face when deciding whether to dissolve a marriage. Some common questions that families may face when contemplating divorce are, "Is Divorce Right for me? Also, Why use Mediation for Divorce? For family law issues some families choose to use mediators to resolve…
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If you have recently gone through a divorce or will be divorcing, it is important to keep your child's best interests at heart. You may ask yourself, How Do I help my Children Handle Divorce? This is a question that all parents ask when they are going through a divorce, or are contemplating filing for divorce. You will want to…
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If you are wondering, how long does a California divorce take, well in California the soonest one can be divorced is after a 6 month waiting period. This is beneficial to the parties in case they change their mind during the process. In addition, sometimes parties will attempt to reconcile their differences beforehand so the…
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When you are trying to determine whether to seek divorce you may question whether it is the right time to divorce? This is a common thought held by many debating the issue. This is something that you must figure out on your own with your best interest and your family's best interests at heart. Speaking…
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What are the Alternatives to Divorce, will it involve going to counseling or attending mediation sessions? Yes, these alternatives are a more affordable approach to conflict resolution. It is important to research alternative methods to ensure that you are selecting the best one. Research can be conducted online to find local mediators or attorneys at an…
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If you are wondering, how much does a mediator cost, well you are not alone. The prices for mediator's in Orange County will vary. It is important to speak with various local mediator's to determine which one meets your needs and which prices you find acceptable. Clarifying the prices and the process will help you…
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If you have been wondering, "are there different types of divorces in California?" The short answer is yes, but first it is important to know the options you have when determining whether to file for a divorce in California. The following is a list of several types of divorces and legal jargon that one may…
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During a divorce a child support order will be issued. The judge will base the order on your situation at that present time. Factors include income, job, or any increase in wages. If you are interested in making changes to child support Orders you may want to inquire with a family law attorney. The family law…
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Choosing a family law attorney can be one of the most stressful things in a persons life. The stress can stem from uncertainty of how to choose an attorney. In addition, stress also occurs when an individual's relationship is coming to an end. Further, many families are often worried about how to explain the divorce…
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If you are interested in learning more in regards to mediating your own divorce you have come to the right place. Mediation can be a more affordable alternative to the traditional divorce process. This form of conflict resolution must be voluntary. The voluntary nature of these sessions is at times appealing to both parties in a…
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