Tag Archives: domestic partnership

Court Set-Aside of California Secretary of State Termination

Recently a colleague wanted to know…. If someone entered into a domestic partnership and then the partner terminated the partnership with the Secretary of State two years later, but there was still a substantial amount of consumer debt that the parties accumulated during the partnership that has not yet been divided. Question: Can a Petition…
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Divorce and business endeavors, formula for disaster?

Dealing with the nuances and stressors in a dissolution/legal separation/domestic partnership can be overwhelming in and of itself, but when your spouse is also your business partner things can become complicated.  Designer Vera Wang and her husband Arthur Becker who have been married since 1989, have decided to end their long term marriage.  The couple…
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Which mom for Isabella? Same Sex Civil Union, Domestic Partnership

In New York a civil union has ended and mommy has abducted the parties’ then 7 year old daughter fleeing to Managua Nicaragua.  The saga began when Lisa Miller is said to have met Janet Jenkins on or about 1997 at an AA meeting in Falls Church Virginia. The same sex couple began dating entered…
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After an Annulment

After an annulment in California what happens?  If your marriage or registered domestic partnership has been annulled, then that means that the relationship was never valid and you might not have certain rights and obligations available to you as you would if you were legally separated or divorced. [caption id="attachment_9141" align="alignleft" width="300"] After an annulment…
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Dividing Property

Once you are divorced from your spouse or separated from your domestic partner, the property that was acquired during your union will need to be fairly divided. Even if this issue was decided upon outside of the court, the judge will need to make a formal order to avoid any legal confusion in the future.…
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Partner Support

If you divorce your domestic partner, the courts may order one of you to pay the other a monthly amount or partner support money. To determine the amount of support that will be paid will depend on several factors, such as: -The duration of your domestic partnership, -Both of your ages and your health, -Both…
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Parentage or Paternity Cases in Orange County

Parentage cases or paternity cases are held to determine who a child's parents are. There is no question about the parentage of a child when the parents are married at the time of the child's birth because the law assumes the husband is the father. The same goes for domestic partners. After January 1st, 2005…
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What is a Summary Dissolution?

If you would like to minimize fees and paperwork it may be a good idea to look into a summary dissolution. Just note, a summary dissolution will not change the required six-month waiting period before a divorce is finalized. A summary dissolution is a simple way to get divorced in California. Though, not all cases…
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Divorce or Separation in Orange County: Understanding Community Property

Community property usually means everything that the spouses or domestic partners own together. This means everything that you bought or got while you were together in marriage or a domestic partnership — including debt — that is not a gift or inheritance. Community property also includes all the earnings that either spouse or partner (or both of you)…
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