Tag Archives: Domestic Violence attorney orange county
[caption id="attachment_8182" align="alignright" width="200"] domestic violence help[/caption] Domestic Violence is when a person is being hurt or is in fear of abuse by a person with whom they are in/ or were in an intimate dating relationship such as a spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend or domestic partner. If you are in danger call police or tell…
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The definition of child abuse encompasses several things: 1) Neglect, sexual abuse, or a physical injury 2) Harming or endangering a child For further information regarding child abuse and more please contact the Tustin Family Attorneys at 714-971-8000. Call today for your free 60-minute consultation!
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The services that Child Protective Services offer are vast. If you are looking for assistance with a domestic violence issue, they may be of assistance. Counseling is offered to families dealing with various domestic violence situations. If you or someone you know needs help controlling their anger Child Protective Services offers Anger Management courses. For…
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At times when their is a domestic dispute the parties may decide to reconcile with their spouse. If the party decides to lift the charges for a domestic violence incident by stating that they were not being truthful this may or may not work. If the officers, and court officials deem this attempt at removing…
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If you are interested in a divorce it is important to know what the process is and what rights you have. This decision will not only affect you it will affect your entire family. The divorce process in California takes a minimum of 6 months to make it official.This 6 month period is known as…
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Every nine seconds, a woman is assaulted or battered in the U.S, making domestic violence the leading cause of injury to women- more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined. However, according to reports from 10 countries, 55-95 percent of women who have been physically abused by their partners had never contacted police for help.…
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Domestic violence can constitute various things such as: 1) Throwing any kind of object at you. 2) If any kind of physical force is used; such as punching, kicking, choking, scratching, and anything else physical that could injure them. 3) If there have been any threats or use of weapons to intimidate or harm you.…
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Family law pertains to various issues. Issues that pertain to family law are divorce matters such as filing for divorce, custody, visitation, child support, spousal support, and any domestic violence issues. If you need assistance with any of these issues and are seeking legal advice and support you will want to research Family Law Attorneys.…
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California Law classifies “domestic violence” as abuse that has been perpetrated against a spouse, cohabitant, former spouse, or former cohabitant. Domestic violence perpetrated by one's present or previous dating partner or fiancé is also domestic violence, as is violence committed against the parent of a child by the other parent. California also expands its identification…
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Domestic Violence is defined as when a person or persons are being threatened and/or physically/emotionally abused when the abuser and abused are: -Married -Registered domestic partners -Divorced or separated -Are or were in the past in a relationship -Living together or used to live together, however you are/were more than just roommates -A close family…
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