Tag Archives: Elder Law attorney orange county CA
Elder Abuse is often difficult to identify for various reasons, such as the senior not wanting to report it. Sometimes the elderly individual may feel that if they report abuse they may let down family members. This is a difficult position to be in, especially if the caregiver is a family member. It is importantt…
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Elder Abuse resources are readily available to seniors in every community. If you are having difficulty spotting, or identifying these resources you may want to contact Adult Protective Services they may have a list of resources for you. Additionally, if you are in the Orange County area you may contact the Council on Aging. Resources…
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Elder Abuse sometimes is not reported due to an elderly individuals fear of reporting the agency, or individual due to potential backlash. Seniors need to be reassure that they will be protected and supported if they reach out for help. It is important for anyone who witnesses abuse to report it immediately so that an investigation may be…
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Elder Abuse can only be prevented if we know what the source or cause of the abuse is. Additionally, we must be able to identify what elder abuse consists of and recognize it when and if we see it. The difficult part regarding prevention of elder abuse is that at times the elderly will not…
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Elder Abuse occurs when seniors are placed in an environment where they are not provided with adequate care. Adequate care includes food, shelter, health care and dental needs and more. Elder abuse often goes undetected due to the senior’s inability to access resources for elder abuse. The elderly individual may be unable to access the…
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If you are in search of an Elder Law attorney their are many attorneys in the Southern California area available to assist you. Particularly in the Orange County area you will want to select an attorney that is local to you. Elder Law attorneys will assist you with any questions you may have regarding an elderly individual. For instance, if…
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Elder Abuse indicators can be the amount of the stress that the caretaker is under. Furthermore, if the caretaker has any history of abuse in their family this could be a potential indicator as to whether they may partake in elder abuse. Elder abuse can consist of physical abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse and any…
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If you are wondering how you can tell if a caretaker is neglecting an elderly individuals basic care needs it is important to ask the appropriate questions. Please take the time to speak with the individual and ask how the environment is and if the caretaker is attentive to their daily needs. You will want…
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Often times Elder Abuse will go unnoticed due to uncertainty and fear. For instance, seniors are ill or immobile and do not know how to seek help or where they can go to seek assistance. Additionally, often the caretakers are someone they know, family, friend, or relative they fear the repercussions of turning in a…
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Some of the warning signs of elder abuse are that the elderly individual becomes withdrawn. If you visit the senior while they are in the care of someone and they seem distant, depressed or have lost interest in hobbies or activities they once enjoyed. Seniors are extremely vulnerable due to health issues or memory loss…
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