Tag Archives: Family law lawyers Orange County CA
Many of us are affected in this bad economy. To make things worse, certain unforeseen expenses develop, such as the need to hire an Attorney. Retaining an attorney can be very expensive, unless you are fortunate to find an attorney that will take your case pro bono (done for the public good without compensation/free). Many that…
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MILITARY SERVICE, MEN & WOMEN... legal service discount! In appreciation for your outstanding service to our great nation, Orange County Divorce Lawyers thanks YOU by offering our legal services to all military personnel and their family at discounted rates. Call today to set up your free consultation with Attorney Bettina L. Yanez, A Certified Family Law Specialist knowledgeable and committed to meet your legal needs.
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My Husband has filed for Divorce, what is the effect of the Divorce on my H-4 Visa? Will I be deported? If you have an H-4 visa this is a dependent/spouse Visa that was issued to you when your spouse applied for and obtained an H-1B Visa. You obtained derivative benefits because you are married to…
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Each state in the United States has varying laws and consequently varying divorce laws. Here are some strange divorce laws in different states: 1) In New Mexico and Mississippi, there is a divorce law that allows the victim spouse of the marriage to sue the person the ex spouse has cheated with. 2) In Kentucky,…
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The United State’s divorce rate- approximately 50 percent- has become one of our country’s unique characteristics. Among our country’s hegemonic features, such as military and economic power, lies the highest-ranking divorce rate in the world, with about 5 people getting divorced out of every 1,000 people. Many people are not proud of this fact and…
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What factors do courts take into consideration when determining whom gets child custody? [caption id="attachment_9206" align="alignleft" width="200"] Child Custody and factors that determine which parent gets custody[/caption] The best interests of the child is the main priority when determining custody issues in nearly all courts; however, the best interest of the child will depend on certain…
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If you are getting ready for a divorce, you must be smart and think things through. Do not allow your emotions to dictate your actions. Many marriages fall apart for countless reasons and many couples stay together because they are afraid of starting over. Or in other words, they fear the unknown. Sometimes couples stay…
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As a family law firm, we have extensive experience in what people usually do before they file for divorce. While these signs don't automatically mean that your spouse is imminently filing for divorce, a pattern of these behaviors that are unexplained could be relevant warning signs. These behaviors include changing or adding bank accounts including…
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If you are concerned that your child has been abused it is important to look for several signs: 1) Does your child have any marking on their body, such as, cuts, bruises, or bite marks. 2) Talk to your child regarding concerns of abuse. 3) Is your child afraid of being with specific individuals? 4) …
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If you are married with children this may be a more challenging decisions. Divorce is something that will affect the entire family. Your children are of primary concern, will the divorce be in their best interest? If you are unsure if divorce is right for you it is important to discuss this matter with friends…
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