Tag Archives: Family law lawyers Orange County CA
Generally no, because the stepchild is not a child of the relationship. The family court can however, hear matters and make custody and visitation orders in a dissolution of a domestic partnership. In an action for dissolution of marriage, legal separation or nullity, the family court can grant reasonable visitation to a stepparent if stepparent…
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You have filed a Dissolution of Marriage action or you have been served with a Dissolution of Marriage action and now your mind begins racing. How is Child Custody Determined in California? How will the children react to these changes? Who is going to get the children? Child Custody is determined in various ways: [caption…
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A dissolution/divorce action can be very emotional. The unknown can be quite scary. At times one parent is angry or hurt. One parent can be so angry and perhaps so hurt that they forget to act in their children’s best interest. If a dissolution/divorce action becomes so acrimonious or the parties make allegation of domestic…
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[caption id="attachment_11116" align="alignleft" width="300"] When can a divorcing couple use the same lawyer?[/caption] If you have been wondering, when can a divorcing couple use the same lawyer?, well usually, one divorce attorney cannot work with both clients. However there is an exception to the rule. Joint representation is permitted when: Both clients concur on the…
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Often parties file for divorce without a qualified attorney’s assistance and become frustrated because they do not know how to move the case along. I am told, “I filed for divorce and I am waiting for the court to send me my court date”. You will not automatically receive a court date. If you want…
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[caption id="attachment_8192" align="alignright" width="200"] Orange County Divorce Firm[/caption] First of all, there are many factors which you should consider about your separation to decide whether you should date or not. If the reason for your separation is infidelity, then it is probably best to not date for the time being. If you are the one…
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[caption id="attachment_8190" align="alignright" width="200"] how to save your credit in a divorce[/caption] A separation, believe it or not, doesn't cancel out your ownership of debt from a loan taken out during the marriage. If you are contemplating a divorce, or believe one is impending, then these few steps may just save your credit. 1. If…
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If you become aware that your former spouse has been living with someone (boyfriend/girlfriend) for a long period of time that may be a change in circumstance that can trigger a review of the ordered spousal support payments in your divorce/dissolution/ domestic partnership. Call an experienced family law attorney to assist you in filing a…
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Ever wonder what it really means when a Judge awards a party Reasonable Visitation of the children? This type of order, is often accompanied by one parent being granted sole physical and legal custody while the other parent is given “reasonable visitation”. The parent with reasonable visitation often feels that the other parent controls and…
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