Tag Archives: Guardianship orange county attorney
On occasion, there may be a need for someone to take a temporary guardianship of a child. This is often because of an emergency and the guardianship must be established in a hurry, for example: - in case of a medical emergency where decisions need to be made immediately about the medical care of a…
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When a child is removed from his or her parent/legal guardian’s home and is declared a “dependent of the court,” the process is called juvenile dependency. Juvenile Dependency cases occur for a variety of reasons. Sometimes there is alleged abuse or neglect on the part of the parent or caretaker and sometimes parents are not…
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When you are the guardian of a child, the guardianship will end when one of several things happen. -When the child turns 18 years of age, -When the child gets married, -If the child is adopted, -If the child enters the military, -If the child is emancipated, -If the court orders the end of the guardianship,…
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Occasionally, parents aren't able to give proper care to their children, no matter how much they love them. The child might need to be cared for by a guardian if one or both of the parents: -have a serious physical or mental illness, -are in the military and have to work and stay over seas,…
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When setting up a legal guardianship, there is a lot of time and energy invested in filling out complicated court forms and giving notice to relatives. Often times there are errors that occur along the way. Because of these mistakes, the process take much longer than it needs to be to process your case. Talk…
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Am I financially responsible for a child's behavior? Yes, you are financially responsible for any child under your care in most cases. Just as a parent would be, a guardian will be held accountable for any damages or harm due to the child's actions, including any medical bills the victim may have. Can I move…
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What if the child wants a driver's license? You have the right to give the child permission to obtain a driver's license or not. If you choose to let the child obtain a diver's license, you are obligated to also get automobile insurance for the child as well as with any legal driver. If an accident occurs…
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Guardianship is when a court orders someone other than the child’s parent to: -Have custody of the child; or -Manage the child's property (called "estate"); or -Both. The information in this section is about probate guardianships. These cases are brought by the person seeking to be appointed guardian or by someone else in the family asking…
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